Logo HBJitney, LLC

Don't Let Your Projects Fail

The open secret is cost overruns, schedule slippages, and substandard quality are endemic of projects of all sizes.

It doesn't have to be this way.

Day Planner

Reign in your schedule

Often, project schedules are unrealistic, not because of bad intentions, but lack of prodect knowledge. We front-load so that our project timelines are reasonable for the amount of work required.

Quality Should Never Suffer

No matter what the budget, quality must be kept high. Setting expectations is key to understanding what can be accomplished within budgetary and scheduling constraints.

Got an Idea

Which features matter?

When customers have an idea about what they want, it can be very difficult for them to specify exactly what they are looking for.

We can steamline this process to get the staff the detailed development specs by working with the customers to understand their needs.

Dependencies can make or break the project

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Money, Time

Money and Time

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